Thank you for booking with Say it in the Yard. Please select the night before your event as we setup the evening before. We have several packages for you to choose from. Scroll through to find the perfect celebration for your event!
Deluxe Sweet 16 $95.00
Custom Phrase
Looking for something a bit different? Need something that doesn't fit our normal packages? This is perfect for you. Your personalized phrase to help make your event.
• 1 Day Rental
• Your Custom Phrase (1 phrase included additional fee for extra phrases)
• Accents based on theme or interest (subject to availability)
Starting at $115
Looking for something a bit different? Need something that doesn't fit our normal packages? This is perfect for you. Your personalized phrase to help make your event.
• 1 Day Rental
• Your Custom Phrase (1 phrase included additional fee for extra phrases)
• Accents based on theme or interest (subject to availability)
Starting at $115